Concerns grow as Khamsin winds bring desert fly invasion to Egypt

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  • Date: 07-May-2024
  • Source: Arab News
  • Sector: Healthcare
  • Country: Egypt
  • Who else needs to know?

Concerns grow as Khamsin winds bring desert fly invasion to Egypt

cairo: An invasion of desert flies in Egypt has sparked debate about how to handle the insects and the health hazards they can pose.

The flies have been carried by the Khamsin winds — dry, sand-filled winds from the southern Sudanese deserts — and have been spotted in Marsa Matrouh. Meteorologists have warned the public to keep their windows closed.

Ali Qutb, a climate professor at Zagazig University and former vice president of the Egyptian Meteorological Authority, told Arab News: “Egypt’s geographical location and climate make it particularly susceptible to these flies. The desert fly problem peaks during the summer and is exacerbated by the Khamsin winds of spring, which carry sand from the desert, aiding the spread of these flies from their natural desert habitats to populated areas.”

He added: “These flies thrive in tropical and subtropical regions and have been documented throughout Saudi Arabia. They prefer desert and rural environments, often attacking nomadic communities, (and) especially children, in large numbers.

“The primary reasons for their spread include high temperatures, which facilitate their rapid breeding, alongside inadequate health surveillance and ineffective pest control programs. Controlling desert flies involves removing breeding sites such as trash and organic debris, employing fly traps, and applying insecticides
